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Atomic Structure of Strontium

 Atomic structure of the  element:

o   Atomic number: #38

o   No of electrons:38

o   No. of protons:38

o   No. of neutrons:50

o   Atomic mass:87.62

o   Electronic configuration: 2,8,8,18,2

I    Isotopes, if any:  Total number of Isotopes 15

A few alloys/compounds formed by the element:

o   Alloys:  AE Alloys™

    Compounds: 15

Which property of the element  enables it to form a compound?

      Strontium reacts vigorously with water and quickly tarnishes in  air, so it must be stored out of contact with air and water. Due to its extreme reactivity to air, this element always naturally occurs combined with other elements and compounds 

Why does the element not form any compound?

of Its extreme reactivity with oxygen and water, strontium occurs naturally only in compounds with other elements, such as in the minerals strontianite and celestine

                                                                     Atomic Structure



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